
Configuration of terminalpp is done via a JSON file in its configuration directory. Depending on the platform, this is located in:

Keyboard shortcut A-F10 opens the configuration file on local editor associated with JSON files.

The settings file is a JSON-style file enhanced with JavaScript-like comments for better readability.

Initial Settings

When terminalpp starts and the settings file is not found, or its version is not same as the application’s version, the settings file (if any) is analyzed and default values are provided:

Note that on Windows, if WSL is detected, terminalpp may attempt to install the tpp-bypass in it automatically.

Example Settings File

The following is an example of a settings file with all possible settings, their short documentation and their values.

    /* Version information & checks
    "version" : {
        /* Version of tpp the settings are intended for, to make sure the settings are useful and to detect version changes
        "version" : "0.8.0",
        /* Release channel to be checked for new version upon start. Leave empty (default) if the check should not be performed.
        "checkChannel" : ""
    "application" : {
        /* If true, checks that profile shortcuts (if supported on given platform) will be updated at every startup
        "detectSessionsAtStartup" : true
    /* Telemetry Settings for bug and feature requests reporting
    "telemetry" : {
        /* Directory where to store the telemetry logs
        "dir" : "C:\\Users\\petam\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\terminalpp\\telemetry",
        /* Names of event kinds that should be captured by the telemetry
        "events" : [
        /* If true, unused telemetry logs are deleted when the application terminates
        "deleteAtExit" : true
    /* Renderer settings
    "renderer" : {
        /* Maximum FPS
        "fps" : 60,
        /* Font used to render the terminal
        "font" : {
            /* Font to render default size characters
            "family" : "Iosevka Term",
            /* Font to render bold characters, if different from normal font
            "boldFamily" : "",
            /* Font to render double width characters
            "doubleWidthFamily" : "Iosevka Term",
            /* Size of the font in pixels at zoom level 1.0
            "size" : 18,
            /* Spacing between lines.
            "lineSpacing" : 1,
            /* Font to render bold double width characters, if different from doubleWidth font
            "doubleWidthBoldFamily" : "",
            /* Spacing between characters.
            "charSpacing" : 1
        "window" : {
            /* Number of columns the non-maximized window should have.
            "cols" : 80,
            /* Number of rows the non-maximized window should have.
            "rows" : 25,
            /* Determines the behavior of the session when the attached command terminates.
            "fullscreen" : false,
            /* Determines the behavior of the session when the attached command terminates.
            "waitAfterPtyTerminated" : false,
            /* Determines the maximum number of lines the terminal will remember in the history of the buffer. If set to 0, terminal history is disabled.
            "historyLimit" : 10000
    "sequences" : {
        /* Determines whether pasting into terminal should be explicitly confirmed. Allowed values are 'never', 'always', 'multiline'.
        "confirmPaste" : "multiline",
        /* If true, bold text is rendered in bright colors.
        "boldIsBright" : true,
        /* Determines whether terminal applications can set local clipboard. Allowed values are 'allow', 'deny' and 'ask'
        "allowClipboardUpdate" : "allow",
        /* If true bold font will be used when appropriate.
        "displayBold" : true
    "sessionDefaults" : {
        /* Determines whether local, or bypass PTY should be used. Useful only for Windows, ignored on other systems.
        "pty" : "local",
        "palette" : {
            /* Overrides the predefined palette. Up to 256 colors can be specified in HTML format. These colors will override the default xterm palette used.
            "colors" : [
            /* Specifies the index of the default foreground color in the palette.
            "defaultForeground" : "#ffffff",
            /* Specifies the index of the default background color in the palette.
            "defaultBackground" : "#000000"
        "cursor" : {
            /* UTF codepoint of the cursor
            "codepoint" : 9601,
            /* Color of the cursor
            "color" : "#ffffff",
            /* Determines whether the cursor blinks or not.
            "blink" : true,
            /* Color of the rectangle showing the cursor position when not focused.
            "inactiveColor" : "#00ff00"
    /* Settings for opening remote files from the terminal locally.
    "remoteFiles" : {
        /* Directory to which the remote files should be downloaded. If empty, temporary directory will be used.
        "dir" : "C:\\Users\\petam\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\terminalpp\\remoteFiles"
    /* Name of the default session which will be opened when terminal starts
    "defaultSession" : "Ubuntu-18.04",
    /* List of known sessions
    "sessions" : [
        /* cmd.exe
            "name" : "cmd.exe",
            /* Can hide the session from menus, such as the jumplist. Hidden session can still be explicitly started via the --session argument
            "hidden" : false,
            /* Determines whether local, or bypass PTY should be used. Useful only for Windows, ignored on other systems.
            "pty" : "local",
            "palette" : {
                /* Overrides the predefined palette. Up to 256 colors can be specified in HTML format. These colors will override the default xterm palette used.
                "colors" : [
                /* Specifies the index of the default foreground color in the palette.
                "defaultForeground" : "#ffffff",
                /* Specifies the index of the default background color in the palette.
                "defaultBackground" : "#000000"
            "command" : [
            "workingDirectory" : "C:\\Users\\petam",
            "cursor" : {
                /* UTF codepoint of the cursor
                "codepoint" : 9601,
                /* Color of the cursor
                "color" : "#ffffff",
                /* Determines whether the cursor blinks or not.
                "blink" : true,
                /* Color of the rectangle showing the cursor position when not focused.
                "inactiveColor" : "#00ff00"
        /* Powershell - with the default blue background and white text
            "name" : "powershell",
            /* Can hide the session from menus, such as the jumplist. Hidden session can still be explicitly started via the --session argument
            "hidden" : false,
            /* Determines whether local, or bypass PTY should be used. Useful only for Windows, ignored on other systems.
            "pty" : "local",
            "palette" : {
                /* Overrides the predefined palette. Up to 256 colors can be specified in HTML format. These colors will override the default xterm palette used.
                "colors" : [
                "defaultForeground" : "ffffff",
                "defaultBackground" : "#0000ff"
            "command" : [
            "workingDirectory" : "C:\\Users\\petam",
            "cursor" : {
                /* UTF codepoint of the cursor
                "codepoint" : 9601,
                /* Color of the cursor
                "color" : "#ffffff",
                /* Determines whether the cursor blinks or not.
                "blink" : true,
                /* Color of the rectangle showing the cursor position when not focused.
                "inactiveColor" : "#00ff00"
        /* WSL distribution Ubuntu-18.04 (default)
            "name" : "Ubuntu-18.04",
            /* Can hide the session from menus, such as the jumplist. Hidden session can still be explicitly started via the --session argument
            "hidden" : false,
            "pty" : "bypass",
            "palette" : {
                /* Overrides the predefined palette. Up to 256 colors can be specified in HTML format. These colors will override the default xterm palette used.
                "colors" : [
                /* Specifies the index of the default foreground color in the palette.
                "defaultForeground" : "#ffffff",
                /* Specifies the index of the default background color in the palette.
                "defaultBackground" : "#000000"
            "command" : [
            "workingDirectory" : "C:\\Users\\petam",
            "cursor" : {
                /* UTF codepoint of the cursor
                "codepoint" : 9601,
                /* Color of the cursor
                "color" : "#ffffff",
                /* Determines whether the cursor blinks or not.
                "blink" : true,
                /* Color of the rectangle showing the cursor position when not focused.
                "inactiveColor" : "#00ff00"

Command-line arguments

The following command-line arguments can be used to override the global configuration settings for the particular execution:

The arguments can be specified either using the --arg=value, or --arg value notation, i.e:

terminalpp --cols=80 --rows=25 


terminalpp --cols 80 --rows 25