logo Terminal++

terminalpp is a minimalist but powerful terminal emulator which provides almost identical features and user experience on all major operating systems - Windows, Linux and macOS.

Feature Highlights


terminalpp natively supports Windows 10 and Linux and works on macOS via a Qt renderer.


On native platforms terminalpp is either on par, or faster than really fast emulators such as alacritty. Order(s) of magnitude faster on Windows with ConPTY bypass.

Fonts & Colors

Support for all possible colors (16M) and native font fallback for extra characters. CJK, double width and double size characters support..


Bi-directional clipboard. Primary and clipboard buffers on Linux, clipboard and emulated primary buffer in Windows. Paste preview is supported.


Automatically detects URLs in the terminal and supports explicit hyperlink escape sequences for terminal applications.


ctrl- and ctrl= to fast zoom in & out similar to web browsers and other GUI apps.


Remembers terminal output outside of the visible area when it matters.

Remote Files

Allows opening files from remote servers the terminal is connected to on local computer via the ropen command. Supports tmux passthrough.


terminalpp supports multiple sessions, such as cmd.exe, powershell, wsl, or msys. Common sessions are detected automatically and more can be specified manually.